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Breakthrougth Shark Mode

الشرح الكامل لعمل الشارك

ملف صغير سهل الاستخدام واترككم مع الشرح المصور

Thanks for d/ling this basic scipt created by Koenig32
1) Copy shark.cfg to you mohaa\main folder
2) Open up game
3) Open console and type: exec shark.cfg
4) How to shark
     a) Goto a ladder
     b) Press L (it will be L unless you edited the cfg)
That should be it, if after you do it, you find that you can neither jump or
crouch, then it was successful. It works almost everytime.
*Disclaimer - you can edit the script or readme or w/e but please mention
                        my name somwhere thxz

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شارك الموضوع لتعم الفائدة
شاركنا رأيك

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